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Episodes of DDT Wrestling
001: Damien and Desmond talk wrestling. A lot. They needed a reason to bullshit regularly. Okay, another reason to bullshit regularly. So, why not go through the pay-per-views of ECW, the little wrestling promotion that could? See, Desmond is a lapsed fan whose final days were in the Attitude Era, and Damien is the fount of knowledge. That's the framework. This episode discusses the beginnings of Extreme Championship Wrestling, and, in particular, its first true PPV: 1997's Barely Legal. There's lots of critical talk about the ECW stable. Except New Jack. The producers of this podcast respect and admire Mr. Jack in every way and mean no disrespect in any way.
.: 3:05:52 :: 89.7 MB :: 26 March 2017 :.

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