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Episodes of Animezing Podcast
178: After 10 years and 178 episodes, Animezing Podcast was down to only one remaining project to complete. Today, with Kellen Scrivens and James Trenchard's review of the tenth and final episode of the Hellsing Ultimate OVA, that project is completed. Join the two longtime friends as they finish up a tale of vampires killing Nazi's while reminiscing about the last 10 years of life, podcasts, and the evolution of animation in that time. Thank you, one and all.
.: 1:12:10 :: 34.7 MB :: 30 October 2018 :.

177: Animezing Podcast returns for its annual Halloween tradition as Kellen Scrivens and James Trenchard (nominally) provide running commentary for Hellsing Ultimate OVA IX. In between observations, catch up with the two as they cover the last year of happenings in anime, including clubs, shows, and Kellen's return to Ai-Kon.
.: 52:06 :: 24.1 MB :: 31 October 2017 :.

176: You thought it was gone forever, but Animezing Podcast, much like Alucard himself, just won't stay dead. The Halloween tradition continues as Kellen Scrivens and James Trenchard provide their commentary on Hellsing Ultimate OVA VIII.
.: 1:03:19 :: 29.8 MB :: 30 October 2016 :.

175: The Lost Episode of Animezing Podcast finally surfaces as Kellen and Tom from November 2014 discuss the final four episodes of Deadman Wonderland: "Worm Eater," "Undertaker," "GIG of Despair," and "Grateful Dead." In addition, they also cover the prequel OVA: The Red Knife Wielder. Join the Commonwealth duo as they discuss even more gratuitous violence and disturbing features than ever before, awkwardly discuss if there is a place for sexual assault as a plot element, and Kellen makes an announcement for a sabbatical that he has already been on for the past year.
.: 1:33:52 :: 45.7 MB :: 02 December 2015 :.

174: Rising from the grave like so many undead, Animezing Podcast returns for the Halloween tradition as Kellen Scrivens and James Trenchard bring their commentary to Hellsing Ultimate OVA volume seven!
.: 57:12 :: 26.7 MB :: 31 October 2015 :.

173: Six years later, Integra Hellsing is still the greatest badass of all time, and Seras Victoria still wields gigantic weaponry. It's Kellen Scrivens and James Trenchard continuing the Halloween tradition with Hellsing Ultimate OVA volume six.
.: 46:19 :: 22.7 MB :: 02 November 2014 :.

172: Kellen and Tom continue to make their way through the sickening, vile, and somewhat entertaining Deadman Wonderland with the middle four episodes. Ganta's first two Carnival Corpse Fights take place in "Carnival Corpse" and "Hummingbird," while we meet the rebellious Scar Chain faction in "Wretched Egg" and "Scar Chain."
.: 1:16:19 :: 36.8 MB :: 07 October 2014 :.

171: In order to shamelessly shill their new podcast (The Cure for the Common Podcast), Kellen welcomes Tom Hemmings onto the show to review the gory, twisted, and, at times, disturbing Deadman Wonderland. To start, the duo reviews the first four episodes: "Death Row Inmate," "Antidote (Candy)," "G Block," and "Crow Claw."
.: 1:27:01 :: 41.9 MB :: 17 September 2014 :.

170: Why Your Fandom Sucks with Greg Ayres, an Ai-Kon 2014 panel.
.: 49:24 :: 24.1 MB :: 06 August 2014 :.

169: Geek Talk with Kyle Hebert, an Ai-Kon 2014 panel.
.: 47:16 :: 22.9 MB :: 31 July 2014 :.

168: So You Want to Be a Voice Actor, an Ai-Kon 2014 panel.
.: 59:27 :: 28.8 MB :: 23 July 2014 :.

167: After nearly six months, Kellen and James put Animezing Podcast's largest review to date, Gundam SEED, to bed with the final five episodes ("A Place for the Soul," "The Nightmare Reborn," "Day of Wrath," "The Final Light," and "To an Endless Future"). The duo discuss the nuclear option, preachy protagonists, and the body count for this finale, and why they will not be covering the series' sequel, Gundam SEED Destiny. Also, in honor of the series' GENESIS weapon, Kellen makes way too many Sega puns.
.: 1:36:13 :: 45.3 MB :: 09 July 2014 :.

166: The endgame begins as Kellen and James review the penultimate set of Gundam SEED episodes: "Trembling World," "Lacus Strikes," "What Stands in the Way," "Spiral of Encounters," and "The Opening Door."
.: 1:19:16 :: 37.2 MB :: 11 June 2014 :.

165: The heat is on as Kellen and James return to Gundam SEED with the episodes "In The Name of Justice," "Divine Thunder," "Decisive Fire," "Athrun," and "Into the Dawn Skies." In addition, the duo take a little time to discuss possibly the biggest anime news in years: the relicensing of Sailor Moon.
.: 1:08:37 :: 32.2 MB :: 29 May 2014 :.

164: Kellen finishes up his American Vacation series with his review of the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo.
.: 32:47 :: 16.1 MB :: 14 May 2014 :.

163: Behind the Voice with Veronica Taylor, a C2E2 2014 panel.
.: 1:00:47 :: 27.9 MB :: 30 April 2014 :.

162: Kellen takes a break from reviewing Gundam SEED to bring the first of a two-part Kellen's American Vacation Series as Kellen looks back at his trip to the Twin Cities and Anime Detour.
.: 49:12 :: 23.9 MB :: 16 April 2014 :.

161: As Kellen runs out the door for Anime Detour, he leaves this episode with James reviewing the next five episodes of Gundam SEED: "Grieving Skies," "In the Promised Land," "Gathering Darkness," "Seen and Unseen," and "The Descending Sword." Remember, if you're in the Twin Cities area you can catch Kellen's Anime Podcasting 101 panel at noon on Saturday at Anime Detour.
.: 1:28:04 :: 41.9 MB :: 02 April 2014 :.

160: New rule for anyone trying to make an anime series, or any kind of television series for that matter: Never put two recap episodes back to back! Why is this message attached to this episode, you can see for yourself as Kellen and James review the next five episodes of Gundam SEED: "Moment," "Endless Rondo," "Kira," "The Turning Point," and "Flashing Blades."
.: 57:47 :: 27.3 MB :: 24 March 2014 :.

159: In today's episode of Animezing Podcast, Kellen and James reach the halfway point of Gundam SEED. Some characters die, some reveal hidden identities, and a whole lot of them mope. Par for the course. We also see two of the series greatest episodes in "The End of the Sandstorm," "The Sea Dyed Red," "Fateful Encounter," "War for Two," and "The Land of Peace."
.: 1:34:08 :: 44.2 MB :: 05 March 2014 :.

158: In this episode of Animezing Podcast, Kellen and James begin a new arc, with a new villain that shares some qualities with a very popular Simpsons character. They also take some time to discuss a few recent Winnipeg anime functions, and the phenomenon that is Twitch Plays Pokemon. Of course, we can't forget todays episodes of Gundam SEED: "Burning Sandstorm," "Cagalli Returns," "Payback," "Fangs of the Enemy," and "On a Calm Day."
.: 1:26:54 :: 40.8 MB :: 19 February 2014 :.

157: In this episode of Animezing Podcast, Kellen and James gush about Tabitha St. Germain's performance as Flay Allster, and discuss the proper ways to recap the previous events of the series as they review the next five episodes of Gundam SEED: "The Awakening Sword," "Flay's Decision," "Stars Falling in Space," "Within Endless Time," and "The Respective Solitudes."
.: 1:18:01 :: 37.8 MB :: 05 February 2014 :.

156: As stated before, the social commentary presented in Gundam SEED was one of the things that drew a young Kellen and James to the program. In today's five episodes ("The Vanishing Gundam," "The Scar of Space," "Songstress of the Enemy Forces," "The Fading Light," and "Crossroads") we see this in the cohabitation of Lacus Clyne (a Coordinator) and Flay Allster (who is bigoted towards Coordinators). Listen on to see if this dynamic rings as loud for the duo now as it did in 2005.
.: 1:13:31 :: 35.9 MB :: 24 January 2014 :.

155: After a nearly three-month hiatus, Animezing Podcast is back! Kellen is joined by James to watch one of the duo's most long-cherished anime series: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. While they were enamored at the age of 17 with the flying mechs, political intrigue, social commentary, and teenage angst, how will it fair now that both are in their mid-20s? See how the retrospective goes as they cover "False Peace," "Its Name: Gundam," "Collapsing Land," "Silent Run," and "Phase Shift Down."
.: 1:08:14 :: 31.8 MB :: 20 January 2014 :.

154: As we come to yet another Halloween, it's time for another commentary from Kellen Scrivens and James Trenchard. This year sees the duo cover Hellsing Ultimate OVA volume five.
.: 55:27 :: 26.0 MB :: 30 October 2013 :.

153: Animezing Podcast finishes up its review of Nerima Daikon Brothers with Kellen and Will reviewing the surprisingly serialized final four episodes. "Cook Up an Erection in Mine!," which the duo think deserved more care with its baseball puns. "Give My 'Bad' a Thrilla-Thriller!," which contains a simultaneously loving and scathing tribute to the King of Pop. "A Threesome in My Dome?!," which sees the culimation of many of the shows recurring gags. And "My Finish! Take a Look at This!," which contains ridiculousness that cannot be contained in this intro. In addition to that, Kellen discusses the show with the English voice of Ichiro: Christopher Patton.
.: 1:23:24 :: 40.2 MB :: 18 October 2013 :.

152: In this episode of Animezing Podcast, things get even weirder on Nerima Daikon Brothers. "Roll Mine, No. 1" features the most ridiculously domineering wife in all of media (as well as what may be a direct Simpsons homage). "My Backroom Fortune-Telling" involves hilarious duck puns. "Play with Mine! Sue Me!" sees the show take a very meta-humorous turn. And "My Dirt-Cheap Rocket is About to Launch!" involves a pink Darth Vader costume. Join Kellen and Will as they hack their way through this brier patch of absurdity.
.: 49:32 :: 24.0 MB :: 02 October 2013 :.

151: Kellen Scrivens and Will Ackerman begin their look at Shinichi "Nabeshin" Watanabe's wacky musical comedy, Nerima Daikon Brothers, by diving into the first four episodes: "Please Touch My Nerima Daikon," "Sa Rang Hey Yo with My Balls," "My Shot Will Crash into Your Backside," and "My Gadget (Detective) is Huge, Huh?" It must be stated that these are episode titles, and not suggestive or rhetorical questions on the part of the hosts.
.: 1:00:14 :: 29.2 MB :: 18 September 2013 :.

150: After nearly two months, Kellen finally had a chance to sit down and discuss 2013's edition of Ai-Kon. While this will not be an unbiased review (Kellen and Jon have been members of the Planning Committee and Volunteer Corps, respectively, for some time now), it is the most detailed and all-access look you will get at Manitoba's largest anime convention.
.: 3:11:01 :: 91.7 MB :: 12 September 2013 :.

149: In 2004, 4Kids Entertainment licensed One Piece for English adaptation. This adaptation has the reputation of being one of the worst adaptations ever produced. In 2007, after the license was dropped by 4Kids, Funimation Entertainment acquired the license and produced their own version. Kellen has watched through a significant amount of both of these versions of the show and asks the question: While the Funimation dub is better, was what 4Kids did really as bad as most make it out to be?
.: 28:09 :: 13.8 MB :: 21 August 2013 :.

148: Funimation: Inside the Industry with Sarah Sullivan, an Ai-Kon 2013 panel.
.: 56:16 :: 26.6 MB :: 25 July 2013 :.

147: Happy Hour with J. Michael Tatum, an Ai-Kon 2013 panel.
.: 1:01:36 :: 29.4 MB :: 24 July 2013 :.

146: Full Metal Patton with Chris Patton, an Ai-Kon 2013 panel.
.: 1:00:10 :: 29.2 MB :: 23 July 2013 :.

145: So You Want to Be a Voice Actor with Greg Ayres, Chris Patton, and J. Michael Tatum, an Ai-Kon 2013 panel.
.: 55:25 :: 26.8 MB :: 22 July 2013 :.

144: Kellen and James reach the end of Kaleido Star season one with a blast as they review the final six episodes: "The Amazing Mystery Star," "The Amazing Resolve Beneath the Mask," "The Legendary Amazing Maneuver," "The Amazing Intensive Training Continues," "An Amazing Bond," and "An Amazing Comeback." In lieu of actually doing a full review of the show's second season, New Wings, Kellen and James provide a quick rundown of why it's not being reviewed and some of the issues facing it.
.: 1:35:48 :: 46.3 MB :: 10 July 2013 :.

143: Sora's friends and family make the trek across the pond and the endgame of the first season of Kaleido Star begins to take shape as Kellen and James review "An Amazing Sinister Rumor," "Fire It Up! Amazing Mia," "Yuri's Amazing Trap," "Amazing Family Ties," and "An Amazing Change From Zero to Hero."
.: 1:18:47 :: 38.1 MB :: 28 June 2013 :.

142: The set of Kaleido Star episodes reviewed by Kellen and James today show some of the best and some of the worst that the series has to offer. "Anna's Not So Amazing Father" gives us comedy that is in no way funny. "An Amazing Hot New Production" and "The Amazing Competition Calls Up a Storm" provide some of the most awesomely ridiculous action sequences in any anime. "Mysterious Amazing Circus" has some of the worst repeating animation this side of the 1960s. And "The Diva's Amazing Love" breaks every concept of time imaginable. Join us for the soaring highs, the crushing lows, and the awkward middle ground as we hit the halfway point of Kaleido Star.
.: 1:14:25 :: 35.8 MB :: 12 June 2013 :.

141: In "The Amazing Seal," Sora takes a new pet home with her, hijinks naturally ensue. "The Amazing Girl Who Doesn't Smile" introduces us to diabolo world champion Rosetta. "An Amazing Star Even in Tough Times" introduces us to Layla's emotionally distant father (shockingly, a major character with living parents in this anime). Finally, as Kellen and James continue their review through Kaleido Star, "My Amazing Challenge for the Lead Role" and "Facing an Amazing Wall" sees the beginning of Kaleido Stage's production of The Little Mermaid. As an added bonus, friend of the show Eric Vale teaches you (yes, you) how to become an anime voice actor.
.: 1:11:40 :: 34.5 MB :: 31 May 2013 :.

140: After going through a four-month downer with Nana, Kellen decides to get happy again by teaming up with James Trenchard to begin covering the amazing first season of Kaleido Star! In "My Amazing Stage Debut!" we discover the effect of jet lag in the anime universe (none, for the record). In "My Amazing & Lonely Challenge!" we discover the power of the montage. In "The Amazing Distant Stage" we begin to discover that some cliches are abounding. In "Try Hard & You'll Get an Amazing Chance" we see how the death of a loved one can be used for character motivation. Send in "My Amazing Distant Family" we see the trope beaten to death.
.: 1:30:05 :: 43.5 MB :: 15 May 2013 :.

139: In this episode of Animezing Podcast, Kellen and Lisa review the final five episodes of Nana, and spoil most of the franchise beyond the anime. (You have been warned.) Terrible depression, the need for closure, and the announcement of the next series are all contained within. Music by Olivia Lufkin.
.: 1:49:05 :: 52.5 MB :: 01 May 2013 :.

138: In the penultimate group of Nana episodes, Kellen and Lisa notice that every minor character is played by Richard Ian Cox, bemoan the lack of visible drugs, imagine Takumi as Eric Cartman, discuss wedding paraphernalia, and our etymology in between actual analysis. Music in this episode is from Billy Talent.
.: 1:37:33 :: 47.1 MB :: 19 April 2013 :.

137: Kellen and Lisa celebrate five years of Animezing Podcast by depressing themselves greatly with the next five episodes of Nana. Two characters get engaged and move in to a lavish new apartment. Only in this show can that be made to be a horribly depressing fact. Music today is from Derek and the Dominos.
.: 1:47:19 :: 51.7 MB :: 03 April 2013 :.

136: On this very special episode of Animezing Podcast, thanks to Nana, we learn that unprotected sex plus woefully vague breakup lines don't end well. Who'da thunk it? In addition, Kellen and Lisa discuss the first round of guests announced for this years Ai-Kon. Music in this episode is from Bif Naked.
.: 1:41:40 :: 49.0 MB :: 20 March 2013 :.

135: Kellen and Lisa are rather capricious in this episode of Animezing Podcast as they cross the halfway mark of Nana. Music today is supplied by Mr. Big.
.: 2:10:24 :: 62.9 MB :: 06 March 2013 :.

134: This next batch of episodes of Nana score 49 out of a possible 50 points from Kellen and Lisa. Kellen sings some Kanye West, the duo discuss the method of lying to your friends, and a character drives Kellen to want to punch a voice in the throat. By the end of this we need to cheer up, so today's music is supplied by Prozzäk.
.: 1:31:35 :: 44.1 MB :: 24 February 2013 :.

133: The melodrama continues and keeps getting bigger as Kellen and Lisa review the next set of episodes from Nana. The usual complaints about Viz's treatment of the production remain, but the multiple relationship blowups, secrets being revealed, and the most screwed up 15 year old in all of anime keep the scores high. And to celebrate the breakups, we spin some No Doubt.
.: 1:36:55 :: 46.6 MB :: 11 February 2013 :.

132: In what may be the most emotionally draining episode of Animezing Podcast to date, Kellen and Lisa review five more episodes of Nana. Kellen freaks out about a couple changes in the Western release, as well as by a particular voice actress whose character debuts. In honor of the final episode reviewed, we throw in a song from the Foo Fighters. (For those wondering, audio quality is not perfect, but better than last time.)
.: 1:40:15 :: 48.3 MB :: 23 January 2013 :.

131: First order of business for 2013, while this podcast is not known for its incredible production, the audio quality of this episode is "Kellen on Earth-2.net The Show episode 15" bad (first podcast for the new laptop, still working the kinks out). That said, It's Kellen Scrivens and Lisa-Marie Carlson looking at the first seven episodes of one of the most heart-destroying anime ever created: Nana. And, as a bonus to make up for things, Kellen throws in a song by The Bouncing Souls.
.: 1:43:50 :: 50.1 MB :: 09 January 2013 :.

130: Animezing Podcast wraps up 2012 with Kellen and Hannah reviewing the final four episodes of Puella Magi Madoka Magica ("I'd Never Allow That to Happen," "I Won't Rely On Anyone Anymore," "The Only Thing I Have Left to Guide Me," and "My Very Best Friend"). The hosts consider one of these episodes to be possibly one of the best pieces of anime ever produced, but to understand why, it's best you have a listen.
.: 1:32:45 :: 44.8 MB :: 12 December 2012 :.

129: In "There's No Way I'll Ever Regret It," Sayaka gets her butt kicked by Kyoko, the new girl in town. In "This Just Can't Be Right," Homura appears to get through to her just a little bit. "Can You Face Your True Feelings?" sees Kyoko expressing and articulating to Sayaka why she feels how she does. And "I Was Stupid, So Stupid" shows Kyoko being there for Sayaka in her moment of need. Aside from this classic tale of the misunderstood bully, some really fucked up shit occurs in these four episodes. Par for the course in Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
.: 1:20:35 :: 38.8 MB :: 30 November 2012 :.

128: Kellen is joined by Hannah Krueger for the first of a trio of episodes discussing a fantastic twist on the Magical Girl genre: Puella Magi Madoka Magica. In the first episode, the pair review the first four episodes ("I First Met Her in a Dream, or Something...," "That Would Be Truly Wonderful," "I'm Not Afraid of Anything Anymore," and "Miracles and Magic Are Real") of what Hannah lovingly calls "The show that broke Kellen."
.: 1:08:25 :: 33.0 MB :: 14 November 2012 :.

127: Happy Halloween! All Hallows' Eve on Animezing Podcast means one thing: Kellen Scrivens, James Trenchard, and a commentary for Hellsing Ultimate OVA volume four.
.: 1:06:42 :: 32.3 MB :: 31 October 2012 :.

126: The Host Club befriends the heir of a mob family ("Mori-senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate!") who falls in love with Haruhi ("Tamaki's Unwitting Depression!"). We see the beginning of the Tamaki / Kyouya friendship ("And so Kyoya Met Him!"), and the Host Club faces dissolution ("The Host Club Declares Dissolution!") only to survive to see another day ("This is Our Ouran Fair!"). In addition, Kellen and Will discuss their overall feelings on the show, and get into a lengthy discussion about a certain NBC comedy.
.: 1:52:20 :: 54.1 MB :: 17 October 2012 :.

125: Things get interesting on this episode of Animezing Podcast as Kellen is joined by Kayla Bates (perhaps better known as Kagura4221973) of The Troubadoors to review Mamoru Hosoda's 2009 instant classic: Summer Wars. While both Kellen and Kayla praise the show in their own ways, things get heated on the topics of family relationships, Canada's standing in the world, and the whereabouts of Christopher R. Sabat. Be sure to check out The Troubadoors at www.thetroubadoors.com.
.: 53:25 :: 26.1 MB :: 05 October 2012 :.

124: In today's episode, "Kyoya's Reluctant Day Out!" furthers Will's suspicions, "Chika's 'Down with Honey' Declaration!" shows a scary new side to the lovable character, "Lobelia Girls' Academy Strikes Back!" causes Kellen to repent on his hatred of the Zuka Club, "The Door the Twins Opened!" leads to a spoiler-filled discussion about title cards ending a story, and "Until the Day it Becomes a Pumpkin!" furthers the budding love triangle between Haruhi and the Hitachin Twins. Also, Kellen adapts and sings songs from Clone High.
.: 1:23:10 :: 40.0 MB :: 03 October 2012 :.

123: I'm going to level with you right now: there's been some lying going on on Animezing Podcast. Last time we said two weeks 'til the next episode, but it took three. This time we say two weeks again, but it will only be one. We also said there would be five episodes of Ouran High School Host Club ("Big Brother is a Prince!," "Honey's Three Bitter Days!," "Haruhi in Wonderland!," "Covering the Famous Host Club!," and "The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa!"), but we decided on the fly to cover a sixth ("Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date!").
.: 1:30:15 :: 43.5 MB :: 26 September 2012 :.

122: As you may be able to tell from the album artwork, things get weird as Kellen and Will continue to cover Ouran High School Host Club. "The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type!" shows that the third music room comes with a suspended steel cage, "Jungle Pool SOS!" has man-eating crocodiles roaming free at a leisure resort, "The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club!" has multiple near-rape scenes, "A Challenge from Lobelia Girls' Academy!" has feminist Nazis (RE: the artwork), and "A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!" introduces Haruhi's father (trust me, this also falls under weird).
.: 1:26:25 :: 41.6 MB :: 05 September 2012 :.

121: Will Ackerman makes his Animezing Podcast debut as he joins Kellen to begin their review of Ouran High School Host Club with the first five episodes ("Starting Today, You Are a Host!," "The Job of a High School Host!," "Beware the Physical Exam!," "Attack of the Lady Manager!," and "The Twins Fight!"). Find out how Kellen and Will felt about the characters' first impressions, the LGBT influence on the show, and just how many lines Travis Willingham had to speak as Mori.
.: 1:25:00 :: 40.9 MB :: 24 August 2012 :.

120: In this episode you will not find an unbiased review of Ai-Kon 2012. While President and Guest Services Officer Lisa-Marie Carlson and Corporate Communications Coordinator Kellen Scrivens believe they can do better, they are quite happy with the job they did. What you will get is an inside look at running a convention and all the perks and pressures that come with it. You may never find a convention head open up this much anywhere on the Internet.
.: 2:34:14 :: 75.3 MB :: 08 August 2012 :.

119: The Ouran High School Host Club Panel with Greg Ayres, Todd Haberkorn, and Monica Rial, an Ai-Kon 2012 panel.
.: 1:12:40 :: 35.3 MB :: 07 August 2012 :.

118: Guru Chris Inside the Industry with Chris Sabat, an Ai-Kon 2012 panel.
.: 57:10 :: 27.6 MB :: 06 August 2012 :.

117: Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Todd Haberkorn, an Ai-Kon 2012 panel.
.: 59:30 :: 28.8 MB :: 05 August 2012 :.

116: Meet Brina Palencia, an Ai-Kon 2012 panel.
.: 56:45 :: 27.5 MB :: 02 August 2012 :.

115: Adapting Scripts For Anime with Monica Rial, an Ai-Kon 2012 panel.
.: 57:40 :: 27.8 MB :: 31 July 2012 :.

114: The Many More Shades of Greg, an Ai-Kon 2012 panel.
.: 54:35 :: 26.4 MB :: 30 July 2012 :.

113: So You Wanna Be a Voice Actor? with Greg Ayres, Todd Haberkorn, Brina Palencia, Christopher R. Sabat, and Monica Rial, an Ai-Kon 2012 panel.
.: 58:25 :: 28.3 MB :: 27 July 2012 :.

112: Convention Safety with Greg Ayres, an Ai-Kon 2012 panel.
.: 1:03:15 :: 30.5 MB :: 26 July 2012 :.

111: Ai-Kon Aftermath 2012 begins at the very end as Kellen shares his sitdown interview with Greg Ayres. Topics of discussion include what makes a convention great, Greg's history as a DJ, as well as a few words shared on BECK, and the next series to be covered on Animezing Podcast.
.: 40:40 :: 19.7 MB :: 25 July 2012 :.

110: Kellen and James finish off Mushi-Shi with the final six episodes ("Cotton Changeling," "Shrine in the Sea," "The Sound of Rust," "The Journey to the Field of Fire," "Eye of Fortune, Eye of Misfortune," and "The Sounds of Footsteps on the Grass").
.: 45:54 :: 22.4 MB :: 11 July 2012 :.

109: Kellen and James pull off something never thought possible on this podcast: they ccurately compare the scenario of a Mushi-Shi episode to an Adam Sandler movie. Which episode of the five reviewed ("Sunrise Serpant," "Pickers of Empty Cocoons," "Clothes that Embrace the Mountain," "String from the Sky," and "A Sea of Writings") is it, and what movie could possibly be compared to this show? All the answers, and a Winnipeg weather update, are concealed within.
.: 37:49 :: 18.5 MB :: 29 June 2012 :.

108: In the middle episodes of Mushi-Shi, Kellen begins to come around on the show, while James' love is reaffirmed. "The Sleeping Mountain," "One-Eyed Fish," "One-Night Bridge," "Inside the Cage," and "Pretense of Spring" all receive favorable grades, but which one is a standout episode of the pack and why?
.: 38:34 :: 18.9 MB :: 13 June 2012 :.

107: Kellen and James continue through Mushi-Shi with the second group of episodes ("Those Who Inhale the Dew," "Raindrops and Rainbows," "Where Sea Meets Man," "The Heavy Seed," and "The White Which Lives Within the Ink Stone"), and while the show still does have some problems at its core, there is reason to be hopeful.
.: 35:53 :: 17.6 MB :: 30 May 2012 :.

106: Kellen and James said they would never do a show blind after their last debacle, but here they are reviewing the first five episodes of Mushi-Shi. It's a program never seen by Kellen, and only in passing by James. While it's not as bad as Blue Drop, just how much does it fly over the low bar?
.: 37:56 :: 18.7 MB :: 18 May 2012 :.

105: Kellen is back from his vacation, and he has some stories to tell. How does a giant comic convention like C2E2 fare if you are primarily an anime fan? How many ways can airlines and hotels almost screw over your vacation? And what kind of zaniness did Kellen get into with the Earth-2.net crew? The answers to all are within, as well as some short reviews of Carl Macek's Robotech Universe and Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker.
.: 31:14 :: 15.3 MB :: 02 May 2012 :.

104: Kellen and Mike just can't express the emotion contained in the final six episodes of BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad as "Write Music," "Performance Eve Festival," "Festival," "Third Stage," "Slip Out," and "America" receive near-universal praise from the hosts. Kellen is later joined by the voice of Maho, Brina Palencia, for a quick chat about her role in the show.
.: 2:36:40 :: 75.3 MB :: 18 April 2012 :.

103: In the penultimate BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad review episode, Kellen sings along and Mike does some method reviewing as the duo tackles the next set of episodes: "Indies," "Three Days," "Leon Sykes," "Blues," and "Greatful Sound."
.: 1:49:05 :: 52.5 MB :: 04 April 2012 :.

102: Somewhere between talking about sports, wrestling, Canada's Official Languages Act, and an upcoming convention in Chicago, Kellen and Mike review the middle batch of BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad episodes ("Summer Vacation," "Secret Live," "Ciel Bleu," "Dream," and "Back to School").
.: 1:55:55 :: 55.8 MB :: 23 March 2012 :.

101: Kellen and Mike continue their look through BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad with the second group of five episodes. Then Kellen is joined by the voice of Ryusuke, Eric Vale.
.: 2:06:25 :: 60.8 MB :: 07 March 2012 :.

100: It's the 100th episode, and the BECK-travaganza continues as Kellen is joined by Michael David Sims to review the first five episodes of BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad. Kellen sings, Mike recounts his awkward high school years, and a good time is had by all as Animezing Podcast hits the century mark.
.: 1:49:52 :: 53.0 MB :: 22 February 2012 :.

099: After nearly two months of waiting, Animezing Podcast is back! And because you all waited so patiently, we are beginning the BECK-travaganza an episode early. Today, Kellen sits down to discuss the show with co-director Taliesin Jaffe.
.: 36:45 :: 17.8 MB :: 15 February 2012 :.

098: On Christmas Eve, three homeless people discover an abandoned baby, and a quirky adventure to find her parents begins in Satoshi Kon's 2003 movie Tokyo Godfathers. Kellen and James take a look at this flick, and one thing is abundently clear: this is the most sense Satoshi Kon has ever made.
.: 23:07 :: 11.5 MB :: 14 December 2011 :.

097: Kellen and Randy wrap up their look at FLCL (Fooly Cooly) in style. Join us for discussions on South Park's popularity in Japan, an almost endless stream of Community references, and plenty of stuff about the topic at hand, too.
.: 52:35 :: 25.4 MB :: 01 December 2011 :.

096: On this episode of Animezing Podcast, Kellen is still scratching his head a bit as he joins Randy Forbister to review the first three episodes of FLCL (Fooly Cooly). But for all the head-scratching of horns, robots, Vespas, and giant steam-producing factories, the two can agree on one thing: this stuff is good.
.: 1:15:11 :: 36.4 MB :: 16 November 2011 :.

095: With Halloween just around the corner, it is once again time for Kellen and James to bring you the 3rd annual commentary of the Hellsing Ultimate OVA series. Also Kellen makes a major announcement for Episode 100 (for real this time, we promise).
.: 55:21 :: 26.8 MB :: 19 October 2011 :.

094: After suffering through nine episodes of Blue Drop, the final four ("Cirsium," "Thoroughwort," "Cosmos," and "Rosmarinus") finally break Kellen and James. The guys throw the format out, Kellen begins to apologize to anyone who's seen this show, and James eventually starts drinking as the two deliver some of the angriest rants in the history of the Earth-2.net family of podcasts. Also, Kellen makes an announcement about a future episode.
.: 30:28 :: 14.1 MB :: 05 October 2011 :.

093: Things come to a boiling point for Kellen and James as they continue with the next three episodes of Blue Drop: "Crinum," "Hyoscyamus Niger," and "Laganaria Siceraria." One of these episodes shows the potential the series could have had, while the other two frustrate to no end. Which is which? The answer lies within.
.: 28:01 :: 13.1 MB :: 21 September 2011 :.

092: As Kellen and James continue on with the next three episodes of Blue Drop ("Dahlia Pinnata," "Garden Verbena," and "Campanula"), the duo looks for anything they can enjoy from this show and hold on to it for dear life, as comparisons are made to much better shows like Azumanga Daioh, Rumbling Hearts, and Clone High.
.: 29:25 :: 13.7 MB :: 07 September 2011 :.

091: From the first three episodes of Blue Drop, James and Kellen can't help but notice similarities to a recently reviewed show on Animezing Podcast. A lady-heavy cast, amnesia, and people who are just plain stupid. Where have they heard that before? Will "Hydrangea," "Lavandula," and "Datura" impress?
.: 35:58 :: 17.6 MB :: 24 August 2011 :.

090: The longest episode of Animezing Podcast to date features everybody's favorite summer party: Ai-Kon. Kellen is joined by Randy, Steph, James, and special guest Jennah Bullaro in a look back on all the crazy fun of the convention's 10th anniversary.
.: 2:33:32 :: 70.5 MB :: 10 August 2011 :.

089: All About Me with Johnny Yong Bosch, an Ai-Kon 2011 panel.
.: 1:04:19 :: 31.2 MB :: 29 July 2011 :.

088: The Last 10 Years of Anime: From Dragon Ball Z to Fruits Basket and Beyond with Eric Vale and Christopher Sabat, an Ai-Kon 2011 panel.
.: 53:06 :: 24.6 MB :: 27 July 2011 :.

087: Dubbing to Directing with Christopher Sabat, an Ai-Kon 2011 panel.
.: 57:17 :: 27.8 MB :: 22 July 2011 :.

086: Eric Vale's Opinions on Life with Eric Vale (duh), an Ai-Kon 2011 panel.
.: 54:59 :: 25.4 MB :: 21 July 2011 :.

085: The Bootleg Invasion: The Industry & You with Greg Ayres, an Ai-Kon 2011 panel.
.: 1:10:12 :: 34.1 MB :: 20 July 2011 :.

084: Convention Safety with Greg Ayres, an Ai-Kon 2011 panel.
.: 57:30 :: 26.4 MB :: 19 July 2011 :.

083: Kellen and Steph rap up their review of Rumbling Hearts with the final four episodes: "Where the Blame Lies," "Friends to Enemies," "The Past Will Catch Up," and "Mayal's Gift." While the series has been less than kind to Kellen's memories, will the ending redeem the series? RIP Cassandra Hodges (1983-2011).
.: 55:46 :: 27.0 MB :: 14 July 2011 :.

082: What once was one of the most important shows in Kellen's anime watching life continues to be destroyed as Kellen and Steph review four more episodes of Rumbling Hearts: "Always Second Thoughts," "Old Scars are New," "Unraveling," and "Impulses."
.: 50:55 :: 23.4 MB :: 29 June 2011 :.

081: The Rumbling Hearts review continues with Steph and Kellen's views on "Moving On," "Betrayed by Love," "Lead Astray," and "Wishing," wherein the passage of time is barely shown, characters go crazy, and a certain someone's fate is revealed. Also, Chris Comstock thinks he's right about giving a show a chance.
.: 44:44 :: 20.7 MB :: 15 June 2011 :.

080: The new era of Animezing Podcast begins as Kellen and Steph review the first two episodes of Rumbling Hearts: "Friends to Lovers" and "Waiting." Follow along with the series on YouTube, and be sure to check out this episode's poll question.
.: 33:03 :: 15.3 MB :: 01 June 2011 :.

079: The theme of today's episode of Animezing Podcast is "What the Hell?" As in, what the hell is the deal with Hetalia? What the hell were they thinking when they made Kellen's most despised moment in Vampire Knight? And most importantly, what the hell is the new format Kellen's been hyping? To get the answers to all of these questions, click the link.
.: 28:51 :: 13.4 MB :: 18 May 2011 :.

078: He is undoubtedly one of the most well-known voices of anime in North America, with roles like Edward Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist, Tamaki Suoh in Ouran High School Host Club, and Zero Kiryu in Vampire Knight. Today, Vic Mignogna stops by Animezing Podcast to discuss The Risembool Rangers, YouTube videos, rumors, and much more. Speaking of rumors, Chris Comstock has a lot to say on the subject.
.: 1:01:48 :: 28.6 MB :: 04 May 2011 :.

077: Kellen and James take great pride in hitting the double sevens by looking at one of their favorite shows: NANA. In between random Simpsons quotes, comfort food, and Vancouver-based voice actors, they get some analysis of the show in, another clue about the new format is revealed, and Chris Comstock thinks he's right about something, we're just not 100% sure what.
.: 1:03:57 :: 30.0 MB :: 20 April 2011 :.

076: In our continuing series of getting to know the many guest hosts of Animezing Podcast, today we put the spotlight on James Trenchard and his favorite anime.
.: 42:08 :: 19.7 MB :: 06 April 2011 :.

075: It's eccentric, esoteric, and a little bit extreme. Kellen and James review the cure for the common shonen series: Soul Eater. Also, Chris Comstock thinks he's right about the lack of an Evangelion 2.0 dub.
.: 58:56 :: 28.6 MB :: 09 March 2011 :.

074: How does the beautifully animated movie Origin: Spirits of the Past, about a war on super-intelligent trees, move Kellen to talk about Anderson Silva? Only one way to find out.
.: 26:28 :: 12.5 MB :: 23 February 2011 :.

073: I Think I'm Right, with Chris Comstock made its debut on the last episode of Animezing Podcast, and today you will get a look inside the man behind the segment. Find out his favorite shows, most hated trends in anime, and what kind of shows have grown on him. Also, Chris thinks he's right about fansubbing.
.: 49:52 :: 23.1 MB :: 26 January 2011 :.

072: Both Kellen and Randy consider Shuffle! to be a trashy, clichéd, harem-anime series with an unsympathetic protagonist, yet one of the two can't help but consider it a guilty pleasure. Also, we see the debut of a new segment: I Think I'm Right, with Chris Comstock.
.: 44:33 :: 20.7 MB :: 12 January 2011 :.

071: Christmas is just around the corner, so it's time for the gang at Animezing Podcast to finish off 2010 with a Christmas spectacular! First, Kellen, Randy, and Steph take a look at 2000's Love Hina - Christmas Special, as well as a brief look at the series as a whole. Then, James joins Kellen as the two take a look at Sonic's Christmas Blast.
.: 34:34 :: 16.2 MB :: 15 December 2010 :.

070: On this episode, Kellen takes a quick and unique look at Ghost Hunt, alongside the English voice of Kazuya Shibuya, Todd Haberkorn.
.: 21:49 :: 10.3 MB :: 01 December 2010 :.

069: November is a nostalgic time for Kellen and James. After all, it was this time six years ago that the two friends met and bonded over a new anime on TV. Today the two decide to relive those days with a commentary of the first couple episodes of InuYasha.
.: 54:34 :: 24.6 MB :: 17 November 2010 :.

068: Mere days after posting his schedule for the rest of the year on the Earth-2.net forums, Kellen has had to change it around already. So today James and Kellen review the bro-mantic mecha masterpiece Gurren Lagann. And to make up for the schedule shuffle, they decided to bring in a familiar face. Just who in the hell do you think it is?
.: 43:38 :: 20.3 MB :: 03 November 2010 :.

067: Halloween's almost here, so Kellen and James keep their year-old tradition alive with a commentary of the second Hellsing Ultimate OVA.
.: 48:06 :: 22.1 MB :: 20 October 2010 :.

066: Kellen and Brennan got their chance back in episode 25, and today it's Steph's turn to talk about her favorite anime of all time.
.: 42:18 :: 19.4 MB :: 06 October 2010 :.

065: With everyone else taking the week off , Kellen takes some time to look over a variety of things, including a mini-review of the first volume of Dragon Ball Z Kai, his thoughts about anime on Blu-ray, and the current crop of show being put out in North America.
.: 25:11 :: 11.7 MB :: 22 September 2010 :.

064: Regardless of its quality, the early years of Pokemon hold a place of nostalgia in the hearts of Kellen, Randy, and Steph. After a decade of hindsight, how does Pokemon: The Movie 2000 hold up.
.: 42:00 :: 19.4 MB :: 25 August 2010 :.

063: Adapting Scripts for Anime with Monica Rial, an Ai-Kon 2010 panel.
.: 56:34 :: 26.2 MB :: 13 August 2010 :.

062: The InuYasha Panel with Kirby Morrow, an Ai-Kon 2010 panel.
.: 57:43 :: 26.8 MB :: 12 August 2010 :.

061: The Ayres Bros. Power Hour, an Ai-Kon 2010 panel.
.: 59:45 :: 27.6 MB :: 12 August 2010 :.

060: She's been Maho in BECK, Juliet in Romeo x Juliet, Tamama in Sgt. Frog, and Ai in Hell Girl, and today Brina Palencia sits down with Kellen to talk about her career, her love of music, and quite possibly the weirdest recording session ever.
.: 46:59 :: 21.7 MB :: 11 August 2010 :.

059: The Ouran High School Host Club Panel with Greg Ayres and Monica Rial, an Ai-Kon 2010 panel.
.: 49:48 :: 23.2 MB :: 10 August 2010 :.

058: Directing Anime with Chris Ayres and Monica Rial, an Ai-Kon 2010 panel.
.: 58:29 :: 26.9 MB :: 10 August 2010 :.

057: The Dragon Ball Panel with Chris Ayres, an Ai-Kon 2010 panel.
.: 54:03 :: 25.0 MB :: 09 August 2010 :.

056: The Convention Safety Panel with Greg Ayres, an Ai-Kon 2010 panel.
.: 49:41 :: 22.9 MB :: 09 August 2010 :.

055: Self-indulgent stories, going way off-topic, and an incredibly long episode? Must be Ai-Kon recap time. Join Kellen, Randy, Steph, and James as they talk everything from game shows to raves and panels to AMVs.
.: 2:07:56 :: 58.8 MB :: 28 July 2010 :.

054: After three years, Kellen, Randy, and Steph finally finish the Sailor Moon retrospective Was My Childhood a Lie? with their review of the final season: Sailor Stars. Steph and Kellen each put in candidates for Rant of the Year, and the trio discusses why the series has never officially seen the light of day in North America.
.: 1:32:05 :: 42.5 MB :: 30 June 2010 :.

053: Randy and Steph recently attended Anime North in Toronto, and after several years of making the trip, both say that this will be their last time. Why is this? Get to clicking to find out.
.: 1:09:15 :: 31.9 MB :: 16 June 2010 :.

052: An anime music video can give a good indication of what a series is about, and whether you would enjoy it. However, there are always exceptions to the rule, as Kellen explains with a brief review of 5 Centimeters Per Second.
.: 23:46 :: 11.1 MB :: 02 June 2010 :.

051: On this episode of Animezing Podcast, Kellen takes a look back at Anime Central 2010. Kellen goes over everything from the con, including dances, panels, Anime Hell, autographs, missteps, Nabeshin, and tentacle rape.
.: 1:21:15 :: 37.5 MB :: 19 May 2010 :.

050: Because you demanded it, Kellen reviews Death Note: The Last Name.
.: 35:36 :: 16.5 MB :: 05 May 2010 :.

049: Trying to keep himself calm and mellow for the upcoming Anime Week, Kellen reviews Hayao Miyazaki's latest work, Ponyo. RIP Carl Macek.
.: 24:05 :: 11.3 MB :: 21 April 2010 :.

048: Kellen has more updates surrounding the upcoming 50th episode, and what conventions the AP crew will be visiting in the upcoming months. To top it all off, he sits down with James to review Claymore.
.: 49:31 :: 22.9 MB :: 07 April 2010 :.

047: A lot of work goes behind any anime convention. As part of his radio journalism class Kellen produced a documentary showing some of the inner workings of Ai-Kon, and today he's sharing it with the world. Also, a major announcement is made about episode 50.
.: 21:47 :: 10.1 MB :: 24 March 2010 :.

046: Pokemonth wraps up with Kellen, Randy, and Steph looking back at Pokemon: The First Movie. Discussed are the movie's totally 90s soundtrack, the short film Pikachu's Vacation, and quite possibly the worst dub joke in the history of Pokemon. You know the one.
.: 1:01:17 :: 28.3 MB :: 24 February 2010 :.

045: Kellen, Randy, and Steph were feeling nostalgic, and so Pokemonth was born! To kick things off, the trio takes a look back at the Indigo League era of Pokemon.
.: 1:33:37 :: 43.1 MB :: 10 February 2010 :.

044: Kellen and James take a look at the 1995 classic Ghost in the Shell. Does the movie still hold up after 15 years? RIP Daisuke Gori. Heihachi will never be the same without you.
.: 36:33 :: 16.9 MB :: 27 January 2010 :.

043: Afro Samurai, Naruto, Azumanga Daioh, Gantz, Bleach, Witch Hunter Robin, and Gurren Lagann. These are just some of the great anime that failed to garner a vote on the ballots of Animezing Podcast's Top 11 Anime of the Decade. Find out what did get votes, and what the gang voted as the best of the decade.
.: 1:26:14 :: 39.6 MB :: 13 January 2010 :.

042: In this episode of Animezing Podcast, Kellen sits down to talk with one of the most widely acclaimed voice actors in North America, Kyle Hebert. Everything is discussed from his days on Dragon Ball Z to zombie apocalypses. Also, Randy and Steph join Kellen to get into the holiday spirit by reviewing Sailor Moon S: Hearts on Ice and Sailor Moon SuperS: Black Dream Hole.
.: 1:38:01 :: 44.9 MB :: 16 December 2009 :.

041: It's been nearly two and a half years, but Kellen, Randy, and Steph are back to deliver the second part of Was My Childhood a Lie?, a Sailor Moon retrospective.
.: 1:42:12 :: 47.1 MB :: 02 December 2009 :.

040: Over the years Kellen has had his share of outbursts about anime, but today he gives a second chance to the victim of one of his most scathing rants: Peach Girl.
.: 31:04 :: 14.4 MB :: 18 November 2009 :.

039: Kellen goes solo this time around to give a quick and frank review of the Read or Die OVA.
.: 26:08 :: 12.1 MB :: 04 November 2009 :.

038: With Halloween right around the corner, it's a new first for Animezing Podcast, as Kellen and James present a commentary for the first episode of the Hellsing Ultimate OVA.
.: 1:10:06 :: 32.3 MB :: 21 October 2009 :.

037: Kellen brings in a blast from the past as he reviews the first film in the Rebuild of Evangelion series: Evangelion 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone.
.: 1:03:30 :: 29.2 MB :: 07 October 2009 :.

036: Brennan's back to review The Girl Who Leapt Through Time with Kellen.
.: 48:48 :: 22.5 MB :: 23 September 2009 :.

035: Kellen returns to Animezing Podcast fulltime with a brief, yet detailed rundown of the closure of ADV Films, and the new companies that have risen from the ashes. What does the whole situation mean for ADV's catalog, and why is SXION23 possibly the greatest insider joke ever? Listen to find out.
.: 24:57 :: 11.5 MB :: 09 September 2009 :.

034: Kellen repeatedly forgets the name of his own show as Animezing Podcast raps up its Ai-Kon 2009 coverage. Kellen is joined by good friend and fellow Ai-Kon committee member James Trenchard to talk about their experiences before, during, and after the weekend of controlled chaos that we like to call Ai-Kon.
.: 1:14:40 :: 34.3 MB :: 22 August 2009 :.

033: Women in the Anime Industry with Caitlin Glass, Jan-Scott Frazier, and Tiffany Grant, an Ai-Kon 2009 panel.
.: 1:28:40 :: 40.7 MB :: 21 August 2009 :.

032: From the Green Room of Ai-Kon 2009, Kellen interviews voice actress Tiffany Grant about her fascination with Neon Genesis Evangelion, bit parts, and her favorite convention memories.
.: 21:45 :: 10.1 MB :: 20 August 2009 :.

031: From the Green Room of Ai-Kon 2009, Kellen conducts his very first interview with one of the most successful Westerners to ever work in the Japanese anime industry, Jan Scott-Frazier.
.: 19:55 :: 9.3 MB :: 19 August 2009 :.

030: Voice Acting vs. Stage Acting with Caitlin Glass and Tiffany Grant, an Ai-Kon 2009 panel.
.: 57:32 :: 26.3 MB :: 18 August 2009 :.

029: The Ouran High School Host Club Panel with Caitlin Glass, an Ai-Kon 2009 panel.
.: 42:39 :: 19.6 MB :: 17 August 2009 :.

028: Adapting Anime and Manga for English Release with Jan Scott-Frazier and Tiffany Grant, an Ai-Kon 2009 Panel.
.: 36:27 :: 16.8 MB :: 16 August 2009 :.

027: The Dragon Ball franchise is one that is near and dear to the hearts of both Kellen and Brennan, however neither expected much out of the US-produced Dragonball Evolution. Did the movie exceed the low expectations or was it just an overall disappointment?
.: 1:02:10 :: 28.7 MB :: 22 April 2009 :.

026: Despite being under half an hour long, Kellen is able to cram in a lot of topics, including his thoughts on the second half of Ouran High School Host Club, the Girls High anime series, as well as the first episode of the brand new K-On anime. Also Kellen makes an important announcement about the future of the podcast.
.: 38:32 :: 13.5 MB :: 08 April 2009 :.

025: It's two milestones in one! In this 25th episode / 1st anniversary super-spectacular, Kellen and Bren each list off 25 (give or take) of their favorite anime. How diverse are their tastes and what causes each other to walk out of the room? Also, Brennan rants about Twilight. Join the fun!
.: 1:48:54 :: 50.0 MB :: 25 March 2009 :.

024: Kellen and Brennan both loved the Afro Samurai series because of its amazing visuals, great music, exceptional voice talents and a simple but incredibly effective story. One of those was missing from its movie sequel, Afro Samurai: Resurrection, and the guys have a lot to say about it.
.: 56:09 :: 25.9 MB :: 11 March 2009 :.

023: It is the only anime to feature the voice talents of Samuel L. Jackson. It was the first anime series to be broadcast on Spike TV. And it was the highest-selling anime series of 2008. Kellen and Brennan review Afro Samurai.
.: 1:02:16 :: 28.8 MB :: 25 February 2009 :.

022: Kellen claims that he would not be the otaku he is without this show, and Brennan was so bored that he couldn't get past the fifth episode. What prompted such differing opinions on the teen melodrama anime Rumbling Hearts? All is revealed inside.
.: 46:03 :: 21.3 MB :: 11 February 2009 :.

021: Many attempts have been made to adapt the Street Fighter game series into movies and TV series, mostly with disastrous results. However, Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie is often seen as one of the few bright spots in the long list of terrible movies. Kellen and Brennan recently watched the movie and discuss if this is because it's good on its own merits, or just not as bad as the rest.
.: 54:45 :: 25.4 MB :: 28 January 2009 :.

020: After an extended break over the holiday season, Kellen is back for this 20th episode spectacular! Inside, a review of the rock anime BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, with a heavy sampling of music from the show. Also, Kellen debuts a new co-host. Click. Listen. Rock out!
.: 1:12:08 :: 33.1 MB :: 15 January 2009 :.

019: In the spirit of the season, Kellen dedicates 2008's final episode of Animezing Podcast to Ken Akamatsu's two-episode OVA series My Santa.
.: 29:00 :: 13.2 MB :: 17 December 2008 :.

018: Between some unexpected musical choices, Kellen talks about the recent Chibicon and the premier showing of the event: Detroit Metal City, a death metal comedy.
.: 24:29 :: 11.2 MB :: 03 December 2008 :.

017: It's Doctor Who Week on Earth-2.net, and with that in mind, Kellen turns the majority of the episode over to Michael David Sims who discusses Doctor Who: The Infinite Quest!
.: 36:11 :: 16.5 MB :: 19 November 2008 :.

016: Kellen is back! He explains why he was gone, and goes on to review the recently released first half of Ouran High School Host Club.
.: 38:49 :: 17.7 MB :: 05 November 2008 :.

015: Sometimes what works on paper fails in execution. Take Blood: The Last Vampire for example. While it could have been a cool exploration of vampire-slaying set in Vietnam War-era Japan, it winds up feeling truncated, emotionally lacking and, sadly, kind of boring.
.: 1:05:51 :: 30.1 MB :: 22 October 2008 :.

014: After the last episode left a bad taste in his mouth, Kellen looks to raise his spirits by reviewing one of the most acclaimed anime series of all time: Cowboy Bebop.
.: 36:55 :: 16.9 MB :: 08 October 2008 :.

013: Many great works of graphic storytelling have had bad live-action movies made from them. Batman, The Fantastic Four and Daredevil are classic examples. Kellen finds another to add to the list with his review of the Death Note feature film.
.: 31:26 :: 14.3 MB :: 24 September 2008 :.

012: Take the rather crazy director of Excel Saga and Puni Puni Poemy and get him hooked on The Blues Brothers. The end result is the outrageous and hilarious anime musical comedy Nerima Daikon Brothers.
.: 30:07 :: 13.7 MB :: 10 September 2008 :.

011: A child prodigy, a space cadet, a hyperactive ditz, a gentle giant, a jock and a straight (wo)man all walk into a high school, and we get to laugh at the results as Kellen reviews Azumanga Daioh.
.: 28:56 :: 13.2 MB :: 27 August 2008 :.

010: Steph Ives makes her Animezing Podcast debut as she joins Kellen to discuss Ai-Kon 2008. Listen to their thoughts on the guests, the dealers room and working backstage at a convention. Music includes "Fucking in the Bushes" by Oasis, "Slip Out" by Mongolian Chop Squad and "Thank You" by McMaster and James.
.: 1:32:26 :: 42.3 MB :: 13 August 2008 :.

009: Kellen fights off a sore throat to deliver you the recent news and upcoming anime / manga releases for the next two weeks.
.: 20:02 :: 9.2 MB :: 30 July 2008 :.

008: Kellen looks over and analyzes all the wheeling and dealings to come out of Anime Expo. Then looks forward with a preview of Ai-Kon, and includes his own personal convention survival guide. Special Thanks to Anime Pulse for use of their clip.
.: 44:50 :: 20.5 MB :: 16 July 2008 :.

007: What happens when you take a quirky yet run-of-the-mill show geared towards preteens, and add in a stream of raunchy jokes? Kellen finds out as he looks at the FUNimation dub of Shin-chan.
.: 26:45 :: 12.2 MB :: 02 July 2008 :.

006: Randy's back from Anime North 2008, and he's brought his stories. What does he have to say about Halko Momoi, Spike Spencer and the general atmosphere of his first major convention? Listen in to find out.
.: 1:17:10 :: 35.3 MB :: 18 June 2008 :.

005: Kellen celebrates his 20th birthday doing what he loves most: talking about anime. To celebrate the occasion he reviews the anime movie sequel to one of his favorite video games of all time: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
.: 36:20 :: 16.6 MB :: 04 June 2008 :.

004: Is it possible that the Street Fighter live action movie wasn't the worst adaptation of the franchise? Kellen Scrivens begs the question as he takes a look at Street Fighter II V.
.: 25:36 :: 11.7 MB :: 21 May 2008 :.

003: Kellen and Randy are back with not one, but two reviews! First, Lord of the Flies meets Swiss Family Robinson in Uninhabited Planet Survive, then they discuss the highflying (and potentially homoerotic, one host claims) Kaleido Star.
.: 1:15:10 :: 34.4 MB :: 07 May 2008 :.

002: Twice as long! Twice as many hosts! Twice as good! Randy Forbister joins Kellen to review the manga series Genshiken. Also: the introduction of the anime news segment, and a brief guide to upcoming conventions.
.: 1:46:21 :: 48.6 MB :: 09 April 2008 :.

001: It's the beginning of a brand new day! The very first episode of the long-anticipated Animezing Podcast is here! In this episode, Kellen reviews the ultra-violent, ultra-vulgar anime Gantz.
.: 43:40 :: 19.9 MB :: 26 March 2008 :.

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